How to Get Results at the Gym with Hypothyroidism + A Workout

Working out regularly? Not seeing the results you want? I was you 3 years ago.

SOO frustrated, working out 3-4 times a week but nothing seemed to move the dial. I was feeling bloated, uncomfortable and just wanted to have more effective workouts.

I was lifting weights, trying to challenge myself by continuing to increase the amount of weight I was lifting (always a good practice, with good form and proper instruction of course). But I just wasn’t seeing results until I decided to turn up the intensity.

The NUMBER ONE thing that helped me lose 15lbs and gain SO MUCH ENERGY was Circuit Training.

Circuit training is the best way to turn up the intensity on your workouts, without over-stressing your body. It is a workout designed around combining a few weight listing moves and repeating them one after the other for 2+ rounds.

After doing circuit training for most of my workouts, I was spending the same amount of time working out as I did before, but I was gaining strength faster, leaning out and finding my cardio improving each day.

Why does circuit training work?

Combines Strength & Cardio

By doing strength training exercises back to back, you get the benefit of building muscle and strength while getting your heart pumping. This combination is fantastic for boosting your metabolism because the more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate is.

Kills Exercise Boredom

When you’re constantly switching things up it keeps it interesting and helps to squash the exercise blahs. Plus, when you’re so focused on the circuit and what’s coming next the time just flies.

Saves Time

By combining cardio and strength training in one session, you get more bang for your buck. You get a highly effective workout in the same amount of time, cause who couldn’t use more hours in their day?

How to Start Circuit Training

Lots of careful planning goes into circuit training programming (it’s the foundation of the Harmonē program), so we recommend starting with an expert to ensure you’re using proper form and that the workout is properly balanced with the right exercises for your goals.

If you’re new to strength training, start with just one to two circuits for a workout and build up from there. Choose 2-3 compound exercises (like squats, deadlifts, rows, push ups, etc) and cycle through them for a circuit. Always focus on your form and modify any movements or exercises if you have injuries.

Here’s an example of a quick circuit training workout you can do anywhere.

Example Workout

*As with any workout, make sure you’re cleared by your doctor to exercise, take your thyroid medication daily, go at your own pace and always stop the workout immediately if you feel lightheaded or unwell. *

Circuit 1 - Repeat all exercises 3 times

  • Goblet Squat x 12

  • Bent Over Rows x 12

  • Burpees x 5

Circuit 2 - Repeat all exercises 3 times

  • Deadlift Upright Row x 12

  • Glute Bridge Chest Press x 12

  • Mountain Climbers x 30

Looking for more tips on how to improve your fitness with hypothyroidism? Download a FREE 9 Ways to improve Your Fitness guide.


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